Sparda-Bank Website

Sparda is a group of German banks. They all use the same login form (except for Sparda-Bank Berlin, see below). Their equivalent of a password is called Online-PIN. As the name implies, only digits are allowed. (Zifferneingabe means "digit input"; it opens an on-screen number pad widget.)

Not mentioned explicitly: Your PIN is limited to 6 characters, i.e. the range of valid "passwords" is from 000000 to 999999.

The odd one out is Sparda-Bank Berlin, which has different rules:

  • At least 8 characters.
  • At most 20 characters.
  • Only the following characters are allowed: a-z, A-Z, ä/Ä, ö/Ö, ü/Ü, ß, 0-9, and the "special characters" @!%&/=?*+;:,._-.
  • Your password must use either digits only (like a PIN) or at least one digit and at least one uppercase letter.

Sparda-Bank dumb password rule screenshot
Sparda-Bank dumb password rule screenshot
Sparda-Bank dumb password rule screenshot